Friday, July 8, 2011

DISTRICT NEWS -- July 6, 2011

Greetings to the Brothers of the District of Ohio!

It is my sincerest hope that this letter finds you all in good spirits.

Today, I am writing you to acknowledge an inadvertent oversight within the District Leadership team. As you know, we rolled out the names of our District Leaders at our District Conference. One name was not on the roster at the time. Bro. Victor Smith, Alpha Rho Lambda, had not come on board with our team at the time of the conference. Bro. Smith is functioning as our webmaster/administrator for our Ohio District Blog as well as the Ohio District Facebook page. He is doing a great job in keeping relevant posts for brothers on our radar screen as well as highlighting current events in the Ohio District, Midwestern Region, and General Organization.
Please visit the:
Both of these locations are functioning as areas to post announcements that keep brothers informed.

College of Urban Studies, 2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
As I close, please be reminded that the Ohio District Round Up is August 6, 2011, at the College of Urban Studies Building, in the Community Room on the campus of Cleveland State University in Cleveland, OH 44115. All chapter presidents and Directors of Membership need to be in attendance as well as Alpha Advisors and officers overall. Of course, the brotherhood, in general, is welcome to attend. Please plan on a productive meeting. The specific agenda and logistics information will be coming very shortly.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Ohio District Director
[Sent via Alphanet]

Friday, July 1, 2011

Service Project -- A. Charles Haston Brother's Keeper Program

Click here to download the
 Brother's Keeper Leadership Guide
Adoption of a new NATIONAL INITIATIVE occurred at the 90th General Convention held, in Las Vegas, NV, July 23, 2010. It was moved that the program “be incorporated into the membership intake process” as one of its required national service projects and that the program be named in honor of Brother A. Charles Haston.

The Mission of this Program is:
To advocate for, improve quality of life for disabled, mature, ailing brothers, spouses, widows, and community members.

Upon identification of need, the Brother’s Keeper Program also provides assistance to mature and ailing members of its communities. Limitations caused by advanced age place demands on family members, caregivers, and the larger community to ensure that elders remain independently functional.

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